

Everyone has a story. Not everyone knows how to tell a story. Drawing on my experience as a journalist, I help you tell your story in a way that is both compelling and memorable.

From creating that emotional connection to traditional story arcs: from capturing an entire story in a headline, to understanding why the audience will listen, demand to know more and will leave with a different way of thinking; the art of storytelling is so much more than just a beginning, middle and an end.

Whether you want to be the hero of your own story or want to create a whole new character for an audience to fall in love with, I can help you understand the art of storytelling.

Case study: TEDxStroud

A TEDx talk has strict rules: the main one is time as it cannot exceed 18 minutes. For many would-be TEDx speakers, condensing often a life-time’s work into such a short space of time is daunting. But a TEDx talk is all about how you make the audience feel by telling your story in a way that connects, inspires and educates. It’s about giving the audience a gift - the gift of thinking differently.

TEDxStroud had eight speakers who had stories to tell - all individuals, all with something to say. Working with them both as a group and individually, I managed to help them distil and condense their passion into a compelling story that fitted the require time frame.

See TEDxStroud speaker Ann Finlayson here